Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maid - Day 1

A mth back i was bothered over choosing a maid.. I chose one 39YO, medical failed at Philippines. Rechoose another out of 4, chose a 25YO.

Whn I interviewed her she could speak English quite well, understand me. Feared at first. But lucky she proved me wrong. Signed embassy contract on the 9th May, she arrived in Sg 4th June, did all her medical n courses & tdy she's back hm. I didn't send her for the FOC training provided by nation.
MAID - ok story is here. i picked my maid up tdy, she was er ok super tanned compared to her fair looking photo, dont look like 25YO, shoulder length hair tied up, trimmed brows. got a samsung white phone, some of her country $, i saw some sgd inside, one backpack, one luggage. back hm, my mum brought her down to cut her hair, she come up looking v fresh n young like xmm. we got her to bathe first, than she started simple packing, thn she washed 1toilet, thn prepare to go dinner. dinner time we kiap dishes for her liao, she auto go take the claypot prawn, my 沙皮鸡.. thn nvm kept quiet, i still gave her ice cream soda, since first day nvm. bring her go CK buy sanitary pads,she say she need deodorant, facial etc. so i told her i can buy, specific brands etc ull pay ur own, she said ok. i gave her bar soap n bought her shampoo etc. bring her go barang shop buy brushes, she chose one to wash toilet wall, one to scrub her clothings. she 'sunned' her clothings on two bamboo outside now. her bras are all black hot pink n red, undies leopard prints all. =\.. haha. thn i wash one load of clothes, thn i told her ok, sir clothes u use hanger n xav (my #1) also hang hanger ok for uniform, thn aft that tees all can hang bamboo, shorts all u wait i come back (i went down do some stuffs within 5min came up) she hang everything on bamboo liao, so i din bother to ask her bring down. thn my mum told me jus now whn i went to pay the stuffs, she walked pass a shop got phonecard poster she asked my mum 'mahmah can i buy card, i hv $' jitao tio reject. earlier on this noon she asked me if she can call home, i lent her my hp, she called 2nos. abt 5-6mins each. so i alr let her inform her family liao. n i gv her back her hp also. sis told her that she morning sun out can sun the towels out to air thn ar she asked 'oh so nobody is at
home whole day?'.. is this what she should ask. hais. thn awhile more she asked 'do you have wi-fi can i use?' tio rejected she asked 'y cannot? but its my phone' ... thn sis asked her to ask me but i din see her asking me so far. i let her slp at 10 since she wkin at 530 kinda worried with her current attitude, work wise im quite pleased. jus nt too happy that she asked for so much on day 1. Imagine I send her one week training at the hQ. come back lagi more pattern. Good is she openly asks, not sneaky. Bad is, day one only u so 'ba'.

Alina & Xavier
Xavier gets along well with her, she speaks well, xav understands her and both can communicate. That's a plus point for now!
Let's see tomorrow how it goes, I'll b out @ 313, Darlingg exams r on tmr, nobody's home!