I braced up myself n tendered.

- 2 years system still no improvement
- no pay raise ( I hv 2more mouths u know? Nana n dd)!
- bosses getting super temperamental (kup phone, shout, throw paper, snatch paper, HMM, hvn talk finish slam phone, email scold ppl, hear unpleasant to ears stuff, 1000000 face, tell whole world u not doing or contributing work)
- change my leave frm 14 to 12
- working hours 8.30-5.30 become 8.30-6.00 ..
- eat in ofc say smelly; eat out late little bit like owe $1M
- no eating after 9am
- take leave scared tio kan; on leave worry work things
- no recognition for hard work
I seriously love my job, cos I learnt alot alot.. Esp I was a SAHM before. Yup, it's a fact n now no longer a secret. I believe I can work. If ppl chose to believe what they read in my résumé than what I can do than well I can't do anything. My resume is just a paper. I feel anything any position as long as u learn nothing is not achievable.
I work my way thru this 2years2mths? Now I get ppl MSG-inG me telling me wanted to talk to me before mtg but I alr threw the bomb? Ya sad to say I'm disappointed not cos I left or what, but come on man, throughout the whole conversation who are u representing? If its out of concern, or as a friend I'm fine with it. But why I feel u r just asking cos u want to know?
Oh~ btw my reason for leaving was - family issues.
I told Joey, I will only stay if I'm offered $500 more. Why I say that, cos I know they wouldn't! I am a recept, stock taker, admin, project coordinator, somemore what? All in one, u all save $ jiu Suan ler. At least show that u know we office staffs r working equally hard! U pay us pay doesn't mean every second of my time is ur time! I go toilet, I make coffee, I apps, I tweet, I fb, I Skype.. All is when I hv finished those impt tasks on hand n I need to take a break! Close one eye bueh sai?! Please la... U wan fully utilize people also not like that.. We everyday take nonsense from clients jiu Suan ler. Still give u all treat us like dirt. Where r all the pls thank u & all?
When I first joined in 2011.. She's nice.. I worked directly under her than slowly slowly become under 2 under 3.. Than she cut short hair.. Thn became monstrous. (I rmbr she changed alot aft she cut hair that period) haha. Ya, the boss no longer chat w us, laugh w us, make kopi n drink w us. That day when I saw him walking in I felt 'hai, ke lian.. U hv to find someone else to work for u' BUT!!! I tell myself don't xin Luan, they treat me like that I don't wan help them ler.. No doubt I may not get a job like what I'm getting, it may not be beside my house, there won't b colleagues like Joey whois like a sister..
People ill miss when I'm gone
- Joey
Never fail to cheer me up, detect my mood swings, console, cajole, sing, eat, play, talk nonsense, msn, Skype, FaceTime, imitate people, help me when I'm in trouble, 配合my picky mouth, tolerate my attitude.. Ill really miss u alot...
People ill remember
- Vincent for shouting & dragging his 沒有嗎!我不是跟你講了咯〜〜 & his Eh Adeline ah..
- Gwen for her UMMM
- Leo 哇勞!豬來的那個!
- Danny for his 吃大便了咯
- Anthony for his annoying music & kiddish stunts
- Veron for her So how is it
- Mathis for Ya I Mathis ah
It's about time I upload the album Days in Rhythme.
- Just Dar